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Robot on Wheels

Robots & Cyborgs & Androids, Oh My!

In Robots and Cyborgs and Androids, Oh My! we will examine how artificial intelligence is represented in Science Fiction literature.  We will explore a range of Sci-Fi machines, from the friendly helper robot to the evil supercomputer. Through the assignments, we’ll discuss themes such as the nature of human intelligence, identity and technology, and the role of robotics in our everyday lives.  We’ll also look at how real-world AI researchers have historically faced the important ethical questions about how and whether we should create the types of thinking machines that Science Fiction presents.


Student Learning Outcomes

-Develop visual and textual literacy skills through the analysis of a range of Science Fiction texts and critical essays

-Interpret Science Fiction representations of artificial intelligence within their historical, cultural, ethical, and scientific contexts

-Locate connections among today’s technology, historical discussions of robotics ethics, and Science Fiction representations

-Articulate interpretations of and ideas about a range of texts using clear logic and thorough evidence, both verbally and in writing

-Work collaboratively to articulate ideas about Science Fiction, using multiple communicative modalities

Syllabus: ENG 296

Prompt: Sci-Fi Story Time Events

Prompt: Comparative Analysis

Prompt: Original Short Story

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